from a place of respect

About Hronis Racing

Kosta and Pete Hronis have a long history with horse racing. As young fans when their family would visit the Santa Anita racetrack, the dream of being thoroughbred racehorse owners began.

The enjoyment of coming to the track, handicapping, and being fans of the athletic thoroughbreds led to interest in purchasing a racehorse. The connection with trainer John Sadler happened and allowed that original dream to grow into a business, passion, and significant part of their lives. Ultimately, their passion for the sport has grown to include their family. Their wives, Stephanie and Laurie, their children, grandchildren, extended family, and friends enjoy being involved. When they cannot attend the races, they often cheer and text from home.

Hronis-Sadler Collaboration

The heart of Hronis Racing that keeps the excitement of being owners going, is watching the horses develop as individuals and athletes. This is possible because of the hard work of the Sadler Team. Undoubtedly, the Hronis-Sadler relationship has been successful because of our respect towards John. A quality horseman who is also a “good steward” of the sport, his integrity and care and training of the horses is primary with all decisions. This aligns with the Hronis Family’s core belief as owners that the safety and well-being of the equine and human athletes are priority.

Photo by Kate Jones

A tremendous amount of gratitude continually goes towards the equine athletes. There have been pinnacle experiences with the World’s Best Racehorse in Flightline, and Champions Accelerate, Stellar Wind, Higher Power, Iotapa, Tripoli, Gift Box, Edgeway, and more. Unquestionably, it was through Lady of Shamrock that the experience of a champion runner began. The barn pivoted towards moving forward with going for the high-level races and a broader range of equine athletes in the barn. Lady of Shamrock was responsible for this change as she won stakes races and taught us so much about being brave and going for our dream.

The Horse as an Individual

All horses are treated as their own. Each has their own personality, interests, and strengths. Their careers at the track can take them to champion wins and for some, they may retire before their first race. No matter where they land on either end of the spectrum or somewhere in between, it is a priority for Hronis Racing and John Sadler to do the very best in ensuring a continued safe and thriving life as they exit the racetracks. The transition of the horses to their next home will vary and based on recommendations from John, Legacy Ranch, Trifecta Equine Athletic Center and other trusted sources.

Photo by Kate Jones

There is a great respect and amazement towards the horses and the industry. Hronis Racing is honored to be experiencing this journey of a lifetime and to have a few pages in horseracing’s history books.